Pikler Triangles

Shop our Best Selling Piklers & Accessories

We Design & Manufacture Australia's Safest Piklers & Accessories

Whether you're deciding which Pikler is perfect for your little one, wondering how to keep it clean and safe, or exploring exciting add-ons to enhance your child’s play experience, you’re in the right place. Our Pikler products are crafted with the utmost care, and are designed to inspire endless fun and developmental growth.

Let us help you make the best choice for your family!

Lets Take the Worry out of Risky Play

  • Safety First

    We pride ourselves on our extensive Safety Testing Programs and our Pikler Range is no exception. As parents we understand the conflict between wanting to encourage exploration and 'risky play' and wanting to keep your little ones safe. Whether it's considering finger, head or neck entrapment or worrying about whether our varnishes are safe from harmful chemicals, we do the hard work so you don't have too.

    Be sure to read our specific product guidelines and we'll have your little ones safely climbing and exploring in no time!

  • Huge Range

    When you buy from My Happy Helpers you don't have to worry about whether any future accessories will be compatible. Our Range is designed to be used together, mix and match now - or later. As your little one grows and develops new skills you can add Scramble Nets or Ball Runs, Cubes or Arches without the frustration of non compatibility. We also have some amazing deals on end of line ranges so be sure to scour the Pikler Range for some amazing deals.

  • Pediatric Physio Approved

    Our Pikler Range is used in hundreds of Childcare Centers, Pediatric Physios, Pediatric Occupational Therapists and even in Kinder Gyms. We offer quality, service and transparency that you can trust.

Using and Caring for you Pikler

  • Safety

    Our Pikler Triangles are designed to be used by a single child at any one time and we recommend Adult Supervision at all times. When your little one first tarts to climb, please do not 'help' them to climb, allow them to explore and be limited by their own abilities. We encourage a HANDS OFF approach. 

  • Cleaning and Care

    Clean your pikler and accessories with a warm damp cloth and dry immediately. Avoid cleaning products and chemicals as they may damage the timber.

    Ensure all hardware is properly tightened and checked regularly. Check that all pieces are free from damage before each use.

  • Problem Solving

    It is common for Toddlers to push their pikler forward along the carpet before they learn to climb. The younger the child, the more likely this is to occur. You may wish to put one side of the pikler against a wall for a short period of time but we encourage you to allow your little one to explore and learn the art of 'pushing down to climb' rather than pushing forward to climb.

Kids Indoor Rock Wall Pikler Play Set - Varnished

Why kids love My Happy Helpers Climbing Frames

We pride ourselves on the extensive safety testing and durability of our designs and products. Our range of Pikler Climbers are tested to Global Standards and since inception, we have advocated for increased compliance across the industry.

The most important standard for Pikler Compliance is 8124:6, so always do your due diligence before purchase and don't risk your little ones safety.

We also have the Largest Climbing Range in Australia

Our Favorite Accessories

Combining a Pikler Triangle with a Scramble Net creates an exciting environment for toddlers to boost their motor skills. The Pikler Triangle encourages climbing, balancing, and spatial awareness, while the Scramble Net adds complexity and challenges fine motor skills. Together, these activities promote strength, agility, and problem-solving abilities in toddlers, fostering independence and confidence as they explore at their own pace.

Magnetic Tiles

Combining Magnetic Tiles with our Pikler Range opens up a whole world of exploration and fun. Watch them crawl inside or under the Pikler or Cube and marvel at the glistening colors as the sun bounces off the colorful tiles.