Learning Tower Safety

My Happy Helpers Learning Towers are a specifically designed piece of furniture that will safely raise your child to benchtop height, encouraging hands on interaction and undeniable learning opportunities. As you can imagine, a Learning Tower can also pose a large number of risks to your child if they are not professionally manufactured and do not comply with essential safety standards. 

My Happy Helpers Learning Towers and Piklers have been independently tested by SGS Global Testing Laboratories to ensure they comply with crucial elements of the mandatory and voluntary Australian and New Zealand Safety Standards. Our testing specifically focuses on the following areas that relate to children’s products: physical, mechanical, flammability and chemical/heavy metal testing. We believe these, along with adult supervision, to be the fundamental elements of Learning Tower & Pikler safety. In particular, My Happy Helpers Learning Towers and Piklers have been tested and comply with the following Australian and New Zealand Safety Standards:

AU/NZ 8124 Part 1: Safety of Toys – Part 1 Specifically Clause 5.12.6, 5.12.6, 5.12.6, 5.24,5.24.3, 4.3.1, 4.7 and 5.24.3.

AU/NZ 8124 Part 2: Safety of Toys – Part 2 Flammability (Specifically Clause 4.1 and 4.4)

AU/NZ 8124 Part 3: Safety of Toys – Part 3 Migration of Certain Elements

As well as the above tests, SGS Global has also put our MHH Learning Towers through their paces to ensure its weight bearing ability. My Happy Helpers Learning Towers have been professionally weight certified at 100kgs. (Meaning parents – meeting the 100kg weight limit - can also safely climb onto their little ones learning tower.)