A 9 month old left to his own imagination, will use a Pikler Frame in a very different way to a 3 yr old.
4 Months: At 4 months of age, the Pikler can be used as a baby gym by simply hanging toys and objects from the rungs of the frame. (please ensure you follow safety guidelines when attaching Play gym objects)
9 Months: At 9 months of age, your little ones are often still finding their feet, so they will use the Pikler to pull-up and lean on. You may find your little one ‘gliding’ in and around the base of the triangle. As your child’s skill set and imagination grows, so too does the way in which they will engage with their Pikler.
2 Years: At 2 years of age, you may find your little one climbing half way up and half way down again, sliding between the bars, or simply using the frame as a fun new play space or reading nook.
3 Years: By about age 3, (earlier or later depending on where the individual child has prioritised their gross development) you will find your child starting to experiment with climbing over the Pikler.
Again, without adult intervention or encouragement, your child will only go as far as they are comfortable and confident, ensuring their chances of a tumble are slim. Whilst it is important not to intervene, it is just as important to support your toddlers successes as well as their failures.