Toys for 1 Year Olds

1-year-old children are a wonder, aren’t they? At My Happy Helpers, we offer an extraordinary range of big, beautiful toys for one-year-old kids to help with their gripping and handling, bright colours to wow their minds, and sound and movement to engage their senses.

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Music Toys for 1 Year Olds


You can introduce your young ones to the joys of music with our range of baby-friendly musical instruments and toys. They can hold and shake a tambourine, play with the Piti Plui Shaker or bang out a tune on a xylophone as well. Or introduce them to the grown-up world with pretend play items like kitchen toys, doctors kits and miniature gardening sets, or help them grow their minds with our range of fun educational toys.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the different types of toys for 1-year-olds?

We have some wonderful toys for your one-year-old. Wooden unicorns on wheels, so pretty and fun to vroom around inside your home.

Give the sensation of rain, with this mini-rainmaker toy with colour and movement.  Your child can understand movement and other motor functions with a wooden small activity cube, can stack and build colourful toys from a range of shapes and sizes. If they’re close to walking and need a little bit of support, we have some baby walkers full of blocks, or with an activity board included. Feed their curious minds and give them fun, education, stimulation and more, with some exciting wooden toys for one-year-olds, full of colour shape and sound. Whether it’s their first birthday, their first Christmas or just their first visit with their relative, treating a special one-year-old on your life to a gift is always a magical moment. If you’re stuck for ideas, here are some of our favourite gifts for one-year-olds:

  • Educational toys for 1-year-olds. As adults, we might not combine the words “educational” and “toy”, but for 1-year-olds who are still discovering the world around them, every day is about learning something new!  
  • Wooden toys for 1-year-olds. In a world filled with plastic and single-use items, it’s nice to invest in natural wooden products for your child.
  • Baby Walkers. From about 8 to 18 months of age, babies will start to walk by themselves. A walker is an ideal gift for a 1-year-old to help them find their feet and explore with confidence. Walkers often come with blocks or activities or ride on features as well, making them a versatile, fun and practical gift choice.  
  • Rockers. Many of us grew up with an old-fashioned rocking horse in our home and these childhood staples are still as popular as ever. A rocking horse will help your little one develop balance, confidence and muscle strength.  
  • Pretend Play. From a very young age, children want to be like their parents. They’ll watch what you do and soak it all into their rapidly developing brains. Pretend Play toys help children to mimic grown-up activities like cooking, cleaning, building, fixing and playing doctor. This isn’t just tonnes of fun for little learners, it’s also a great way to introduce them to real-world scenarios and help them learn new words and concepts.  
  • Outdoor Play. Whether they’re digging in the sandpit, splashing in the water or toddling across the grass, one-year-olds love getting outside. Outdoor Play items always make an excellent gift for a child, from buckets and spades to bug-catching kits, play tents to gardening sets, anything that helps them explore the outdoors is bound to be a hit.  

Does my 1 year old need toys?

People often think that buying gifts for 1-year-olds is a waste of time because they’re too young to understand that it’s their birthday or Christmas Day, but it’s important to remember that a gift is about more than just a gesture.

  • Is it age-appropriate? All children develop at their own pace, but generally, you should look for toys that are in the right age bracket for the child you’re buying for. Good quality children’s toys will have an age rating printed on their packaging and listed in their online description. This is particularly important for 1-year-olds as toys for older children often have small parts which represent choking hazards or require fine motor skills which 1-year-olds are yet to develop.
  • Is it useful? Young parents often have homes filled with toys, books, clothes and all sorts of bits and pieces – the last thing they need is more clutter. When choosing a gift think about how useful it will be and whether it will be a welcome addition to the home. For instance, is it a toy that will help aid baby’s development such as a walker, or a toy that will help keep them occupied while Mum makes dinner like a kitchen playset?  
  • Is it safe? Although we’d like to think that all products made for children are completely safe, this isn’t always the case. Be sure to choose toys that are certified to Australian Standards and contain no toxic paints, dangerous choking hazards or unsafe parts such as button batteries.  
  • Is it sustainable? Is the toy made from sustainably sourced materials? Wooden toys, for instance, have had a resurgence in popularity in recent years, but not all toy manufacturers are scrupulous enough to use sustainable timber. Look for Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified wooden toys to ensure you’re purchasing sustainably, quality toys that won’t impact the Earth.
  • Can it be passed down? Children grow so quickly that often they outgrow their toys in the blink of an eye. By buying high-quality children’s toys, you can ensure their cherished childhood toys can have a new life with a younger sibling, cousin, friend or even the next generation when they have children of their own.

At the end of the day, the right toy for a one-year-old is one that they’ll enjoy, learn from and cherish and that won’t cause any harm to them or the planet. Browse our range of toys for one-year-olds along with our first birthday gifts selection to find a special treat for your favourite one-year-old.

  • Gifts aren’t just toys. There are many practical benefits children can gain from toys and other gifts, and there are countless wonderful gifts for 1-year-olds that can help to stimulate their growth, foster new skills and introduce them to a world of fun and imagination.
  • It’s not only about the little one. When you give a gift to a 1-year-old, you’re also giving a gift to their parents. Maybe you’ll give them a copy of their Mum’s favourite childhood storybook, or a miniature kitchen playset so they can pretend to cook like Dad. A gift for a 1-year-old can be a gift for the whole family.
  • Making memories. While gifts for 1-year-olds may not carry the same meaning as gifts given to adults, they’re perhaps even more special because of what they represent – from first experiences to lifelong favourites. A gift you give to a 1-year-old could be their first-ever model car, or their favourite teddy bear, the start of their musical journey or could even become their most cherished childhood toy.

With a little bit of thought and care, a gift for a 1-year-old can bring joy, laughter, nostalgia, learning and growth, all in one little package! Browse our range of gifts for one-year-olds to find that perfect gift for a special bub in your life. Children learn through play, especially during their developmental years, so toys for one-year-olds aren’t simply for fun. From 12-months onwards, your little one is grasping things, learning how things feel in their hands – or sometimes in their mouths – and discovering the world around them. They’re engaging their gross motor skills and using their big muscle groups, while at the same time, beginning to develop their fine motor skills.

How can you tell if a toy is suitable for a 1-year-old?

Here are a few questions to ask yourself when deciding whether a gift is right for your child.

How can you tell if a toy is suitable for a 1-year-old?