Why is Mindfulness Important in the Early Years of Childhood Development?

Why is Mindfulness Important in the Early Years of Childhood Development?

My Happy Helpers |

Why is Mindfulness important in the early years of our toddlers development?

With the start of a new school year fresh in every parents mind, we took some time to speak with one of Australia’s Top Childhood Advocates, Stephanie Wicker, to understand how we can best equip our toddlers for the many challenges they face in the first few years of life. Stephanie works tirelessly to assist parents to see beyond their child’s most difficult moments and instead respond to them based on their emotional needs. A survivor of mental health herself, she shares a unique insight into the mind of an anxious child.


What is Mindfulness?

Stephanie describes Toddler Mindfulness as a practice where a child becomes fully present in the moment. As humans, we naturally live in various spaces, including the past and the future and unfortunately we often live regretting the past and worrying about the future. Living outside of areas that we can control, inevitably leads to an anxious brain. Subconsciously, we crave control because it provides stability and security. When we focus on areas outside of our scope it leaves us desperately clutching to a reality that is simply not unattainable. Understandably, this is where the anxious mind begins. Mindfulness is the key to creating balance and fulfilment, gently relieving the stress we put ourselves through and the best part of mindfulness, is that anyone can practice it. We all have it in us to be more mindful once we have the discipline.


Is mindfulness for kids a trend?

Thanks to recent publications, we are hearing more and more about trends in mindfulness.  We are also now starting to see the concepts of toddler wellbeing and toddler mindfulness pop up all over social media and parenting conferences, so we asked Stephanie if she thought mindfulness was here to stay. Her response was simply that mindfulness is not a new concept. It’s one that has been around for hundreds of years so it certainly isn’t a fad and it’s not going away anytime soon. Stephanie believes that the benefits of practicing daily mindfulness are too many to list (Yes, it's that powerful!) and that those of us who desire to have more connected relationships, be able to make purposeful decisions and even achieve better health can accomplish this through the simple practice of mindfulness.


Why is mindfulness important in the Early Years of childhood?

Stephanie supports My Happy Helpers belief that the early years of childhood are a key time in a child's future development and that the habits that we create in our youth will last a lifetime. Stephanie explained that by introducing mindfulness during these golden years, children have the opportunity to stretch their mindset and achieve amazing things. Practicing mindfulness can positively impact your child's emotions, behaviour, relationships and physical well- being. When we are disciplined to live fully and consciously, it is true that anything is achievable.

How does Mindfulness help?

Everyday Studies are providing further insight into the changes in our brain structures (in particular strengthening of the Frontal Cortex) when we practice Mindfulness. The Frontal Cortex is in charge of cognitive skills like regulating emotions, problem solving, memory and attention. All of which are highly important in those early years of learning!

Is Mindfulness something you are embracing at home?

If you’re looking for resources to aide in your toddlers Mindfulness & Wellbeing explore our selection of Affirmations Blocks, Yoga Cards and curated Mindfulness Products.


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