Your ultimate guide to the Montessori principles & its benefits for toddlers

Your ultimate guide to the Montessori principles & its benefits for toddlers

MHH Admin |

 As our little ones grow and develop, we often consult external source material for guidance to ensure we’re helping to shape their journey in a constructive and rewarding way. 

We also research potential play and daycare schools and the teaching methods they follow for early childhood development.

One such principle that often pops up during our research is the Montessori method of education. Developed by famous Italian physician, Maria Montessori, this is a child-centred approach based on scientific observations of children. 

The thought process behind this method is that children are keen to learn and will do so in a carefully curated learning environment, allowing them to initiate their own learning. 

This method also aims to develop children in four areas: physical development, social development, emotional development, and cognitive development.


Let’s take a closer look at the Montessori principles and why they are an important (if not preferred) approach to learning in the classroom.

The importance of Montessori principles in the classroom

Many children start going to daycare from an early age. Classrooms that embrace the Montessori principles would typically have items to stimulate young minds according to their age group and phase they are in. 

These phases include the language acquisition phase, starting to take an interest in small objects, order, sensory refinement, and sensory behaviour phase.

The Montessori method also showcases beautiful principles aligned with its child-led ethos. These principles include:

  •         Teaching respect: A big part of this pillar is that respect is shown for a child – their needs as well as their development. Children benefit from this approach because they are unique individuals. Their teachers also show and teach kindness and empathy, which will teach them, in the long run, to respect their classmates too.
  •         Stimulating absorbent minds: We know our little ones are like little sponges - they cannot get enough of learning new things, especially in those first six years of life. According to Montessori principles, this phase is supported by various learning experiences.
  •         Supporting sensitive periods: During these learning and development periods, children can learn more easily about certain concepts. Montessori-inspired teachers would typically provide them with the right resources to be able to make the most of these stages.
  •         Providing a prepared environment: A Montessori classroom is designed to provide children with all the learning materials they need and child-friendly furniture and shelves.
  •         Supporting active education: Montessori teachers would typically support little ones to explore and learn independently.

How your toddler will benefit from the Montessori method of education

Toddlers in a Montessori classroom will experience so many benefits as they grow. 

Montessori classrooms are tailored to the needs of young minds at the developmental stages they are at. Your toddler will have the opportunity to learn many skills thanks to the Montessori principles.

A bonus is that you can bring the Montessori approach into your child’s playroom with toys and learning equipment designed to be hands-on learning tools. 

From rainbow stackers and puzzles to play dough stamps and little wooden animals, your little ones will have enough opportunity to take the lead and learn according to their unique needs.

Start trying out this approach today and watch as your child reaps the benefits of a time-honoured learning method.


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